Corbie Hall Flood

Extremely wet weather at the weekend has resulted in the River Dee bursting it’s banks around Maryculter, as a result of this approx 18″ of water entered the hall, resulting in a lot of damage and undoing the previous flood refurbishment works of 2015. I know that a lot of us are emotionally invested in the hall and want to see it succeed.

Greg and I attended an emergency committee meeting last night at the local church and a plan of action has been drawn up to get the hall up and running with a view to better flood-proofing the hall. Long term plans of building a new hall on the same site or a nearby alternative site will be investigated in parallel.

With regard to timescales for repair and for the reopening of the hall, February 2023 was agreed as being a realistic goal. Currently this means that our LAN in March will go ahead but updates will be communicated via the blog and Discord as the refurbishment progresses.

How can I help?

Greg and I would like to organise a few things to help out the hall and committee. We would like to organise some sort of fundraising stream (similar to our very successful Halloween 2020 12 hour stream). In addition to this we would like to organise a work party to help out with some of the more time consuming tasks in getting the hall ready such as painting. It is likely that decorating help will be required in the New Year after the hall has been dried out and repaired.

I will probably create a channel on our Discord to discuss the arrangements for a “work party” so please stay tuned for further updates.

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